Founder & CEO--Robyn Hill, M.Ed.

For over 20 years, Robyn has worked with youth of all ages and backgrounds. She seeks to inspire youth to find greater purpose in life through their gifts and talents, thus having a direct effect on the systems they participate in. She has been the Executive Director of a half million dollar afterschool youth program, has trained thousands of adults to engage youth with a positive youth development approach, has taught photography to youth for 5 years and most recently founded Audacity Urban Youth Project, a non-profit focused on teaching the art, skill, and entrepreneurship of photography to LA youth.
Robyn believes everyone
has a story to tell, and a camera is the perfect “voice” to allow youth to
speak out. After witnessing a child experience the creation of a picture and
the effect it had on him, she dedicated her personal and professional energy
into putting cameras in the hands of youth and giving them the skills necessary
to tell their story. Her practice of
photography and youth development can be summed up by the poignant words of
Richard Ponzio & Sally Stanley 4-H CYD, UC Davis, “Being a true leader is about sharing your world view with the youth
you work with as well as trying to understand their world view. Through
collaboration of feelings during the sharing of experiences, we all expand our
Robyn, a native New Mexican, lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children. She currently serves on the school board for the neighborhood Charter Middle School and is a member of the Los Angeles Unified School District's Parent Advisory Committee.
Located in West Los Angeles, Audacity Urban Youth Project
introduces youth to the art of photography, providing
opportunities for community engagement and entrepreneurship.
Empowering youth realize the limitless opportunities within
themselves in order to become who they want to be and have
meaningful engagement in society, Audacity UYP strives to
strengthen the capacity of youth face daily challenges through
the art of photography in order that they may have the
AUDACITY to contribute to improving the quality of life in
their communities as well as enhance their leadership and
other life skills.
themselves in order to become who they want to be and have
meaningful engagement in society, Audacity UYP strives to
strengthen the capacity of youth face daily challenges through
the art of photography in order that they may have the
AUDACITY to contribute to improving the quality of life in
their communities as well as enhance their leadership and
other life skills.
Conducted during the Out-of-School-Time (OST) hours, we
provide photo labs for those interested in learning how to use a
camera. Labs are conducted anywhere from 8 weeks to a full
semester, for 1-1.5 hrs per lab.
- Composition
- Lighting
- Depth of Field, Aperture, & Shutter Speeds
- Nature Photography
- Black & White Photography
- Trick Shot Photography
- Portrait
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